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Posts posted by catwoman

  1. My boyfriend (who is also my first cousin) lives abroad. i never saw him. one holiday while on a family trip we got to spend loads of time together and i fell for him. i didnt say anything then as i was convinced that he didnt feel the same way. but 18months after that trip he confesses that he loves me and how do i feel about it. now, 18months is a hellava long time to convince yourself that being in love with your cousin is gross, and morally wrong, and it wouldnt work out blah blah. but i never managed to find a guy that could ever replace him. we finally got it together last year when i went to visit him again and we havent looked back since. its not easy, but it can be done. my/his parents dont know and we dont ever want them to know. but if you really love the other person, regardless of who they are, then go for it. it would be worth it for sure. but i dont advise going for it if you just wanna fool around, then thats just a waste of your time and hers.


    my boyfriend and i discuss this alot. i jsut find it appalling that there are rules made up by society that its taboo for cousins to get together. why? scientific reasons? but isnt that our decision? i just dont understand in a world where divorce is the norm, people can have more than one wife, people are unfaithful, people treat their spouses with disrepect people can comment on the sanctity of marriage. when all i want to do is marry the man i love and have him take care of me and me of him. instead i am meant to be ashamed of wat i am doing. well, im not. other like me and you shouldnt either. we have a right to be happy just like everyone else. why does it matter where this happiness lies?


    i get hot headed about this! long reply..sorry

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