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Posts posted by mere36

  1. How do you end a friendship without becoming bitter enemies? I have been friends with this person for about 2 years now, but she always makes me feel bad about myself, and I do not like the person I become when she is around me. She is needy and clingy, and everytime we hang out she talks about herself 24-7, but if I talk about me, then she never validates anything I say, and makes me feel as though nothing I say will compare to what is going on in her life. She dramatizes everything, and is a complete mooch, from money to food, and everything. I know she has serious issues, and I am one of the only people who listens to her. She doesn't really have that many friends. I know that I have my faults too, but I cannot be her friend anymore. I am not the kind of person to hurt other people, and I hate feeling as though I've hurt someone else, so I usually just let her say or do whatever, even when it bothers me. I'm at a loss as to what to do. She is my sorority sister as well, so I have to see her. I cannot just end as enemies. I've tried not answering her phone calls, but she won't get the hint, and now she just shows up at my apartment unwanted. Help, what should I do???? I don't want to hurt her, but I can't take it anymore!!!!

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