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Posts posted by LostSoulTrain

  1. Day 13


    Last night was tough. I could not stop thinking of her. It seems those first days when I felt relieved that it was over were just initial phase. Now all feelings are coming back. The funny thing is that I am angry and sad at the same time. I also wonder if she thinks of me at all or is she just enjoying her new/old life. I still cannot believe that she had given up on us just like that. It hurts even more as I cant talk to anyone about it.

  2. Day 6


    For past five days I felt great. It was as if enormous burden fell of my chest. Today I woke up missing her terribly. I know that I cannot call her and that she needs to make contact if we are to be together again. Even if I'd call her I would not know what to say.


    I know things were toxic and I had to leave. Still, I cant help wondering whether it was right thing to burn all bridges by telling her it is final goodbye and that I will block her.


    I went to many relationship forums trying to find some answers but got only few responses. If only there is someone I could talk to and get this pressure out of me.

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