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Posts posted by hiphopkayj

  1. hi. i am a 15 year old girl and i am bi. i have a problem with this woman i am crushing on . she is 22 and i am 15,it think she thinks the age difference between us is wrong and it wouldnt work out, i kinda feel the same way but it doenst seem wrong because we are only 7 years apart. people have even bigger age gaps than that. im not sure if it is wrong though. i dont plan on telling her that i like her but i just wanted to know if the age difference is wrong.

  2. I have sent many posts about my crush on my friend, and everyting is going pretty well, we are not together in a relationship and she doesn't know that I like her. The problem is, is that when I am alone with her (which is all the time) i don't know what to talk to her about or what to say, and I think she gets bored sometimes because we don't say anything to each other we are just silent. So my question is, do you have any ideas of what i can talk to her about when we are together cause I never know what to say.


    Oh yeah, i am a girl and my friend is a girl as well.

  3. i have a friend that i really like, and it seems like she likes me she gives me signs that she does like me such as she makes eye contact with me the whole time we are talking and she is always talking about kissing and making out. she also asks me if i want to hang out with mer everday alone. when we are alone we walk aroud and talk about things and everyday in class i see her looking at me and when i look at her she smiles at me and she will lay her head on me at times as well. i don't know if these indicate that she likes me but they seem like she does. what do you think? also i was wondering if there are any ways i can flirt with her so she will get the idea that i like her. any suggestions?



  4. i have a question about my friend who i think likes me, but i am not sure. There are some things she does that makes me think she likes me. Like when we talk she makes eye contact with me and she smiles a lot when shes looking at me. Also when she sits by me on the bus she is very quiet and she looks at me then looks away, as soon as she looks away i look at her, and then she looks at me and she smiles and laughs. Also when we are walking to class she walks really close and she rubs against me. She smiles at me a lot as well and she seeems really nevous around me. do any of these signs sound like she likes me?


    I am a girl and my friend is a girl as well.

  5. I have a huge crush on one of my friends, and I think she likes me as well. I think she has been flirting with me, but I am not sure. In class the other day she pushing me and touching me, not in a mean way in a friendly way. And all through 6th period she kept looking at me and coming over and grabbing me or pushing me, she would get up on purpose just to come over to me and push me or touch me. So then I started to touch her back as she came by, on her legs. One time I touched her butt and she just laughed. And then after class she was trying to pull my pants off, and I tried to do the same thing. So we spent the whole period laughing together and touching each other and trying to pull each others pants off. I was trying to flirt with her, Was she flirting with me?


    I am a 14 year old girl and so is my friend.

  6. hi i am a 14 year old girl, i have a new problem i hoping to get help with here it is.


    Theres this girl that goes to my school we are pretty good friends but not like best friends. Any ways, i really like her and I think she likes me but I'm not sure. I notice her looking at me a lot. like at lunch I will look over at her and she will be staring at me and then when she sees I am loooking at her she will smile and look away and then she will do it again. And we don't even sit at the same table at lunch we sit at opposite sides of the lunch room. I also notice that during class she will look over and smile at me,and she does this the whole class period. Also it seems like she gets nervous around me, because when we were alone in her house she kept biting her lower lip and licking her lips and stuff like that, like she was nervous or something,and she she would just sit there and look and me and smile. Do these signs mean she likes me?


    thankx for the help

  7. i have a new problem i need help with, I am really confused about how my friend feels about me. She always is rubbing against me, walking really close, smiling at me and she also plays with her hair and jewlery alot around me like shes nervous. I dont know if these are any signs that she likes me but she is also always talking about making out and kissing and sex, she is always bringing this up around me. but she never talks about any of this when other people are around just when we are alone.


    my friend is a girl and i am a girl

  8. i have a new topic I need some advice on. the thing is, I have a really big crush on one of my close friends and I kind of think she feels the same way. I need some advice on how to flirt with her so she will get the feeling that I like her, also so she will like me back. I also want to know how to make my first move on her. Any advice will help.


    I am a girl and my friend is also a girl.

  9. i need some advice on a new topic. the thing is, I have a really big crush on one of my really good friends (she doesnt know it yet).And i am pretty sure she feels the same way I do.And I want to become more than friends with her, but i dont know how to make the first move. how do I flirt with her to give her a clue that I like her?how do i make the first move?


    I am a girl and my friend is a girl.

  10. I need some advice on a new problem I am having. I have known my friend for about 3 years, and we have aways been pretty close. I never even thought about liking her as more than a friend. But since last month I have been having different feelings for her, and every night I would go home and think about her. Now my feelings for her are even stronger than before. I think I am in love with her. And I think she kind of likes me to.When we talk she gives me eye contact the whole time. And when we are walking to class together she tries to get cose to me by rubbing against my arms. And sometimes she will lay her head on me, hug me and put her arms around me. And she is always smiling at me during class, smetimes I lok up and shes staring at me. She evn tells me she trusts me more than anyone. Do you think she likes me as more than a friend?

    By the way I am a girl and my friend is also a girl.

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