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Posts posted by wilderlove

  1. Dear ex,

    You were my everything. But I guess I was good enough for you. You let me wallow in the deepest depression , never helped me with the family or anything related. You punished me for enjoying my job but never asked me to come home early or just play hooky. You ignored me when I needed to yell because I was just mad. You let go of my hand when I needed you most. I tried to be the best partner but you never talked to me about what I was doing wrong. Instead you walked away after almost 9 years from me and the kids. No real explanation but I am sick of being in limbo. You let me blame myself for everything. All I wanted was for you to hold me hand and walk me away from it. I just needed a partner.

    But thank you for walking away. Thank you for showing me that at 44 your just a scared man afraid of the future and scared .

    Thank you for taking the pressure off my shoulders and now I have the love I need ...of me. I have a better outlook and I look ten times better than when I was with you. I don't need to run into the arms of someone 17 years younger to validate my self worth . I can be alone...I can grow and be ten times better than I could ever be with you.

    You may have found someone to warm your bed for now, but I know someone will warm my heart forever.


    I will always know I was the one that got away,


    Thank you for releasing me and my heart.


    I Will always love you on some level but you will never know me again.

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