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Burning wind

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Posts posted by Burning wind

  1. does that train of thought work even if they have someone new?


    No idea lol though, my ex text me now almost twice a week after almost no contact for a year and half. He ran off met someone new a month after we stopped talking. Within the year he got married. Now we text every week, hours at a time, and he asks me how the dating scene is. No idea what his intent is

  2. Now nothing. By the looks of things you made the right choice. Wanted to see what life was like without you then when you went no contact he was engaged 3 months later. Now you have got talking again he wants you back. So much for fighting for what you love. You couldve been the woman married to him while he emotionally cheats on you because he "doesnt know what he wants". To me he sounds like he always wants what he hasnt got. What a keeper.....


    I don't know if he wants me back, he didn't say that. But he text me once or twice a week, sometimes less. Maybe he is just being friendly

  3. Here is my story, I'll be brief.. We were together for about 2 years, great relationship, great sex, barley fought , I was his first serious relationship. Toward end he wasn't sure if he loved me anymore, he wanted to break up with me to see what life was like without me. I told him I don't play that game. You leave don't come back. Well we ended up getting back together briefly for few months. Then broke up because he was up to his old tricks, going out drinking and partying, I walked away. We Made attempts at reconciliation again after that but I canceled out on him. He told me he changed ect and he regretted everything he did ect. I didn't Believe him and went into NC. A month after I started nc, he met someone new, they moved in together got engaged in less than three months., then married. We haven't talked in two years but I have thought of him every single day since we broke up. We saw each other out one night and ended up texting each other. That has progressed and we text often and sometimes he tells me things like I was the best in bed he ever had, and if the world was perfect I would be there now, and he text me few times a week. Says things about how he would dream of me but then said don't pay attention to that I was drinking . He is very friendly and receptive to talking with me and its like we almost never stopped talking. It feels effort less and truth is I have always loved him and wanted him back. Maybe I should have believed him when he said he changed and that being single wasn't what he thought it was going to be when he left me. I regret doing nc as he thought I hated him all that time. And now he is married. And I think we still have feelings for each other. I know I love him.. .now what?

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