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Posts posted by michele

  1. Ill try to make this as short as possible, and thank you in advance for any input. My husband started a new job 2 years ago, went from sales to driving a route truck for a delivery company in another city. Made this decision due to financial stability. 1 1/2 years into the job I receive an email stating that a woman at work knows my husband too well. This girl starts work in factory at 9 and works until 6 My husband starts at 6 am and finishes at 4 longer in winter if stormy. He leaves for his route at around 7 and gets back to unload his truck around 2 He encounters her about 1 1/2 hrs a day 4 days a week.This girl is not liked by alot of the woman in the factory, she is yonge. I question my husband about this email and he tells me he knows nothing about it. Two days later after threatining him he tells me that at the end of the summer of his first year there some rumors started to go around about him and this girl, that they were fooling around, that he screwed her in the back of his truck, then the rumours got a bit ridiculous like her riding around naked in the back of his truck one day. He said he just dismissed these rumors because they were so stupid, these rumors circled on and off for about 6 mths. This girl would flirt with him on occasion when he would unload his truck. Would casually say he was attractive and she would do him. I called a girl of another guy that works there and question her about it. She tells me she had just heard the same rumours but just heard a new one that my husband had a double date with another girl on the upcoming Sat.She also told me that Her and my husband are alot alike and she could not see him having an affair, maybe flirting, but nothing more. That i know as impossible because my father in law was coming from another province that night and spending dinner and the night with us. Found out later his boss said it jokingly and it balloned into a double date. His boss at the time had left employment there and i knew him and my husband butted heads quite often. I informed my husband that I was going to call him and question him on the situation. He asked me to please do that if it would help me get over it. I did and he said i honestly cannot tell you, i have no hard proof or have ever seen anything, just heard rumors that everybody heard. He told me to be careful of the rumors as that place thrives on them, he was also victum to the rumors. I then found out that an email was also sent to another employees wife stating similar things. This same thing happened to 3 different people. I asked my husband why he never informed me of the rumours and he said because of my jealousy. I am extremely jealous and if i turned the things around i wouldnt of told me either. I informed him i was going to call this girl, he told me to please do it. I asked him not to speak to her at work, he hasn't, as i know from driving there and spying on him. I have gone back thru my phone bill for the last 2 years and found nothing, i have matched up his pay to his hours worked to his time arriving home for 2 years and found nothing, i have checked his cell phone and i have found nothing to indicate anything has ever happened. He has only gone out once with people from work and it was to play pool at a pool hall. other than that he does not associate with the people he works with outside of work. We have 3 children, ages 4, 2/1 and 8 mths. Just when the rumors started is when we decided to add one more child to our family. I have also talked to people at his work to tell me if they ever see him speaking to her, they all say no. We went to his christmas party as i had to walk in with my head hi and i told him that if i drink enought i just may beat the crap out of this girl, which my husband knows i would be capable of, he told me to do what i need to do. I have lied to him and told him i spoke to this girl and she confirmed all is true to see if i can catch him in a lie and he said your lying because nothing ever happened. I even make him put on his cell phone when arriving at work one day and leave it in his pocked as he asked her for her phone number so I could contact her. He was a bit pissed off that i was making him feel like a child, but he did it, i heard him park his truck, walk thru the plant, find her ask her for her number and she said shocked,"what do you want",he hadn't spoken to her for 5 months at this point, she said"yea she can have my f@*#*$ number if thats whats going to help your wife get thru this, this is bullshit, i dont need this f^$%(*#& crap at work, it crazy, this same f*$#&$(* think happed to like 15 other people. This is bullshit." My husband said, "can i just get a number that she can get a hold of you", she wrote it down and that was it. I have no proof of anything, just my imagination. I check his cell constantly. He has just found employment in our city, back in sales as he knows this is not healthy for our marriage, because i have problems with him working there, even tough i have spied on him only to find out that he as told me the truth on everything. I feel psychotic. My husband and I rarely go out, if we do it is together, there was absolutly no opportunity for him to have an affair, i mean no opportunity, unless at work, with about 25 other people around, 2 of them being our friends. When i questioned our friend about the rumors he told me to ask my husband about them, he would not break Johns confidence and would not lie to me. My husband make our friend promise never to let me know about rumors because of my jealousy. Yet when i asked this same friend if he was having an affair on me he told me that was crazy. I have no proof of anything by i am so hurt by the lying, or not telling me things. This has happed 6 months ago and I thought that when he found a new job, away from that place i would be better. As i was dealing with this my mother just passed away which has added even more to my heavy heart. I have even hidden an caller id that sores 50 numbers to see if she calles here,never any suspision. What isyour honest opinion. Am I crazy.

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