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Posts posted by justanotherdude

  1. alright i need some feedbacks from anyone out there....



    if a girl ask to take you out to eat and if she says that you can choose the place, should you offer to pay or let her since she ask. and where should you chose the place.

    another delima... if you work with this girl for quite a while and have become close friend with her and you dont know how she feels about you. should you ask her how she feels about you?

    should you consider this invitation as a friendly thing or as a date?

    should you ask her if it is a date?


    any feedbacks would be greatly apreciated....


  2. I have very strong feelings for this girl that i work with. we've known each other for about 2 1/2 years now, but it is not until recently that we got to know each other really well. anyway she just broke up with her boyfriend not too long ago. they still talk with each other and still hang out as friend i suppose.. anyway here is my dilema.... i think she knows my feelings toward her. we flirt all the time while we are working. she obviously have some interest in me or else she wouldnt waste time flirting with me. she even offers me a ride home a couple times.. im just very confused sometime because i dont know whether she likes me as a friend or more than that.. sometime she would talk about her ex in our conversation...i dont know whether or not bringing up her ex in our conversation is a way for her to remind me that she still have emotional feeling toward this other dude and that maybe we should just be friend for now......... i like her more than just a friend and i am a little worried that if i ask her out and thing dont turn out as i suppose (another word if im wrong about she has feelings for me) then our friendship could be very awkward after that. can anyone give me some feedback on this.?. maybe you have been in this situation before....i need to know whether or not i should trust my feelings and make the move or just wait and remain best friend with her? any feedback would be greatly appreciated .. thanks

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