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Posts posted by panicgirl86

  1. Why do I find myself still thinking about you and wanting to reach out? You've taken enough from me, yet I still am letting you rule my thoughts. Just one day without thoughts of you or memories of us would be so wonderful to me. I still feel like you have crushed my soul, you treated me unfairly and strung me along for your own selfish reasons. I hope that some day someone that you love very much does this to you so you can appreciate how it feels to be treated that way by someone you love. Its infuriating how you can say all the right things yet never follow through and then make me feel like I was in the wrong, like I caused this. I doubt we will ever speak again, its hard to let you go, part of me doesn't want to.

  2. I'm fed up of thinking about you all day and not even being able to escape you in my dreams, I'm having problems sleeping and what hurts the most is that I'm sure you sleep peacefully every night without even a second thought for me or the hell you've put me through. I hope you really do live to regret how much of a coward you were and come to realise that you have issues and it wasn't all on me

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