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Posts posted by PaperSt1537

  1. Day 1


    Two-and-a-half years together, including living together for 16 months, and a two-week "break" later, my girlfriend made it clear last night that it was over. Love is still there on both sides but I guess we're just not compatable and she doesn't believe we're meant to be together. It was a long time coming but I deluded myself into thinking I could salvage it. We spent the whole day yesterday crying and talking, mostly me pleading for one more chance and her shooting me down in various ways.


    So I want to to do this. I want to stop contact because I do think it's possibly the most important thing about moving on but it's also always been the hardest part. The problem is, we're on the same phone plan for another two years and I don't want to block her from Facebook because of the kind of reaction that would result in doing so.


    As much as I want to do this to move on, I also want her to miss me. It's pretty ridiculous but I just want her to remember our good times together and not these stupid attempts to coerce my way back into her life. I'm just not sure how to do that when I don't want to start blocking her because I just think that really makes me look weak. And I've really been weak for a while now.

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