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Posts posted by UnshkableFaith

  1. I have been struggling so hard with NC tonight. I've been crying my eyes out for the past hour just wondering how this is so easy for him, how he could just let me go, wondering if this is really it forever...so thank you for this post. I needed it so incredibly much.


    Trust me when I say I know exactly how you feel, and exactly what you're going through. I never even imagined when I finally decided to post here tonight that I would be comforting a stranger in some way, I just figured that I owed it to 113 pages worth of people with shattering hearts to know that there is yet one more person out there going through the same things, and that no matter how lonely things may seem in your darkest hour, you are NEVER alone. Be strong.

  2. Hey all, this is my first post here on ENA. Read through all 113 pages of this thread and I have to say that it has really helped me a lot with what I am going through, and has a lot of really good advice for those whose hearts are breaking. Before I even came here, I knew that I needed to make changes in my life (for myself, and my son) whether the future holds a reconciliation story or not for her and I, it doesn't matter. This thread has taught me that things don't just fix themselves, it takes time to truly make positive changes in your life that will STICK, and to not just hoax yourself into changing yourself ONLY to try to make someone come back, because love doesn't work that way.


    Even though I love her with all of my heart, this thread has made me realize the many reasons why I should be glad that she hasn't contacted me yet (not to say that she ever will, at least in an attempt to reconcile) because it will truly give us both time to evaluate our lives with where we are at now, and truly make some positive changes in our lives, and grow. It's shown me that even though I love her with all of my heart, and with every fiber of my soul want to spend the rest of my life with her, that I will NOT sit around waiting for something that might never happen. She knows with all of her heart how much she means to me, and she knows the amazing times we had together, and I honestly feel that is more than enough to leave her with to remember me by, rather than risking tarnishing our friendship, the relationship we had, and even our breakup by pleading, calling, begging, etc.


    As for me, I've been vigorously working on getting my life on track, getting healthy, staying vigilant, re-establishing my connection with God (that I never should have lost) stronger than ever. I have recently started a new well paying job that I am thoroughly enjoying for the first time in my life. I've (healthily) lost almost 20 pounds and have been hitting the gym daily, and eating right. I think it's important to remember that at even at the lowest, and darkest points in our lives, there are always things to strive for, and to be reaching for, and to never ever let go, because what would that prove? And to also remember, and never forget the reasons why a relationship didn't work in the first place. It's never just one person, as humans we all do things that we regret, and that don't work with our significant other for whatever reason. It's important to consistently remember those things, and learn from them, or we will NEVER grow.


    I truly deeply believe in fate, that everything happens for a reason, and that no matter how long, or how far, or how impossible something may seem, when you least expect it, it will happen. Cherish them on the way in, and cherish them on the way out, because you just never truly know. Life is a great mystery.

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