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Posts posted by RosiePosie

  1. Hello - he's MARRIED, remember???


    Of course, he's gonna act strangely...he's acting jealous and possessive. He must feel guilty about being married and having you on the side. And he wants to have both you and his wife. That isn't hard to understand.


    I say again, you need to be the one who cuts all ties with him because he doesn't seem to have the brass to choose one of you or the other.


    And all it's doing to you in the meantime is make you crazy.


    Why would you want someone who can put his own feelings above yours anyway??? You deserve better.


    The only other thing I can think is that you really like the drama because it feeds some need in you.



    Good luck.

  2. Why do you think you have an accurate story from him about his homelife and wife???...He is a man who cheats on his wife and lies to her - why wouldn't you think he is lying to you about her too???


    Even if he ever did leave his wife, your relationship most likely wouldn't last anyway...you need to just move on...


    Quit letting your "feelings" rule your life...

  3. Does the person you are having an affair with know that you are "seeing" hookers on the side? If not, you have a duty to tell her. Course, you had a duty to tell your present wife about the other woman too and it doesn't sound like you have done that either.


    Just to let you know - only a very small number of marriages last that are products of an affair, so don't hold your breath about this second marriage lasting either.


    In fact, why do you think you should get married at all? You don't seem like marriage material anyway?

  4. Of course the right thing is sometimes hard to do...but it sounds like you're willing to take the high road...


    It sounds like she is not so high minded...and why would you want to even have a relationship with someone you might not trust???

  5. You're playing with fire...you need to listen to your logical side and cut off ALL contact with her...


    Do not follow your "feelings"...they'll only get you in trouble...


    If she gets too close to you, your logical side will be overwhelmed by the feelings/sexual part...It's up to you to not let that happen...


    The time to make the choice is before you get into a situation you can't control...


    Good Luck!!!

  6. "We discussed the scenario 'if a tree falls in a forest and there's no-one there, does it make a sound?'"


    If you are referring to sex with another person, the above quote doesn't fit...because even if your husband didn't know at first, YOU would still know and the other person would know...[you don't understand the havoc this can cause at work]...and the act would cause you to start wondering if your husband is being faithful and when trust is gone in a relationship, there isn't much hope for it to last...


    Please do the right thing and maybe a little counseling for you might help too to see why you think you need to stray...



  7. There is something you need to realize - secrets in any relationship are deadly...


    What you need to do is tell the woman what you are feeling - and I don't mean the "other woman", I mean your wife...


    You need to sit down with your wife and tell her everything you just told us...and I mean everything...she is your wife and has a right to know how badly you are reacting to her being so cold to you...


    And I hope you don't talk to the woman you are attracted to and keep it a secret from your wife...that would probably just be the first step to your eventually cheating on your wife...and you don't need that complication in your life...


    Good Luck...

  8. I know you don't want to hear this, but since he just wants to make fun of your insecurity, you gotta dump him...


    He isn't even trying to help you feel a little more secure...


    You said it yourself - he is looking for greener pastures and the sooner you get yourself away from him, the better...

  9. I see red flags all over your post...accusing you of cheating - that probably means he is cheating on you and feels guilty about it and makes himself feel better by blaming you for doing it too...


    Secrets - another red flag...leaving earlier and coming home later for no apparent reason that he's shared with you...strange phone calls...why not ask him next time who he is talking to and see what his reaction is - if he gets all defensive, that's another bad sign...


    Changing his look by shaving off his facial hair - that's another classic sign along with buying new underwear...


    As for the rash - I'd quit having sex with him and get myself tested...better safe than sorry...


    Good Luck, sounds like you have a rough few months ahead of you...

  10. I have to agree with avman...even if he ever did leave his wife, do you really think you are part of the very small percentage of people that would get married after an affair and then not get divorced later on???...


    How could you ever trust a man who cheats on his wife???...the answer is that you couldn't and it would poison your relationship and would eventually kill it...


    All you are doing by hanging on is to cause the pain in your life to last longer than it needs to...I feel badly for you...because I have the sense that you are a good person and you are not treating yourself very well...

  11. I think that you do have a problem with what your man is doing and it sounds like he is not being honest with you...


    But I think he also has a drinking/alcohol problem and until he gets help for that, he won't be able to fix the other problem...


    I would tell him that he needs to seek help for his drinking and I would go to Al-Anon to get some advice on how to handle him...


    Good Luck...

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