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Posts posted by Agar

  1. Well, I tried it. They enjoyed it, although I didn't feel the orgasam indicator spot move ... I hope that means I don't know exactly where or how to find it rather than my wife was faking it. She reciprocated, so I guess that's good enough for me. 8)

  2. So I'm thumbing through this months issue of Maxim, and I come accross this blurb in an article decribing this "Tahitian Oral Sex technique" Now, Maxim is not reknown as a reputable source of information, so I have my doubts.


    The performer is supposed to be perpindicular to the woman, lick side ways accross the clit and "K-spots" and put a fingertip about halfway between vagina and anus. At least I think that's where they were talking about. I'm not altogether what the crude venacular specified.


    Does anyone know about this technique? For that matter, has anyone heard of a K-spot before?


    In short, will this be as mind-blowing as they claim, or is it a load of *explitive deleted by poster*

  3. Now, this topic will mainly be for men's techniques, but if women have any techniques on how to make themselves or their men last longer, please contribute.


    So, most men have heard that masturbating shortly beforehand (no pun intended) helps last longer. I haven't taken any formal training into anything tantric ('cause, really, some of it looks painful, or at least uncomfortable), but I have researched some information on it. In a nut shell, it boils down to getting used to the feeling of an orgasam, and then controlling it.


    Now, every type of orgasam feels different, and feels different from one person to another, but having them will make you aware of most of the things your body will feel when you have one. And so, to be aware of it, you need to have it. Practice makes perfect. An understanding and willing partner is a major plus here, but lacking that, a hands-on approach will give you a good deal of insight.


    On a note of personal insight, make sure any lubrication does not result in a chemical burn. My nerve damage is still healing after 5 years of unintentional self inflicted damage. Shampoo bad.


    Any way you do have an orgasam, after the first few fun times, you should try to pay attention to what is going on. Where does it feel good on you, how fast, how tightly, what position, and so on. The environment might even be a factor. I have 2 kids. Yhea, we wait until they're asleep or gone.


    The more you know about your self, the better you will be able to control your self. Practice breathing. Feel where your body tightens up. Try not to pull a muscle. Breath, really, I mean it, it's the best place to start. Relax and hold off on finishing your bit of the fun until you've done what you wanted to her.


    That's most of the total of my sage wisdom. Is there a Tantric master in the house? What do the rest of you do? Please, no nekid grandmother images.

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