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Posts posted by loveajasw

  1. hi i'm 16 years old and my ex b/f and i dated for 1 year and 4 months but during those times we broke up 3 times and the first time was my fault becuz of my temper but i apolgized and apolgized...........for like 2 months and he forgave me and ever since then i've been a great g/f.


    And the 2nd time was when school started like in novmeber and his reason for breaking up wit me was that "we are so young, we should date other people and have fun with others." and he also said we'll be friends and we were friends but it was awkard. 3 weeks later i went to his house and helped him with his homework and he asked me back out again and of course i said yes and i was crying because i was so happy. but then the last breakup was about 3 weeks ago right after christmas he was acting very cold to me and so i asked him "are u gonna break up wit me again?" he didn't say anythings for about 2 minutes and when i was gonna go back to my house he respond and said "ya want to know? and i said yea and he said yes".


    So i asked "why" and he said it's not u it's me and i also asked him if he cheated on me or like someone else? he said no but then when we had to go to skool again my friend told me that he have another g/f and my friend also said that my ex told him that he's gonna ask her our on new years and that is like 1-2 days after he broke up wit me and of course i bought him presents for christmas and he didn't get me nethings because he wanted to wait so there will be a christmas sale (he have no jobs) and his mom said da same thing too but then we broke up so it wasn't the plan anymore and then a day later when i find out that one of my friend saw my ex and his g/f at the mall shopping DURING THE BREAK i was furious.....i mean how can he have another g/f so quick???? so i told myself that he've been talking to her when we were going out.


    And when i have to go to school we always see each other but i was avoiding him for 3 weeks and during those times i just didn't want to see him at all and i also didn't know he had a g/f during those 3 weeks but as soon as i find out i threw all his stuff he gave me away and the next day i finally had the guts to face him but it was just like in the hall way so i didn't see him but i'm POSTIVE that he saw me and he ususally would stay with his friends and then go to lunch but this time when he saw me he just left immediately so i figured that he couldn't even face me because he was so ashamed of himself because he said he would never cheat on me but he did. and also during the last break up he said he would give me back my stuff but he never did....and after the 2nd break up when we got back together he said that i knew we would get back 2gether that's why i never gave u back u/r stuff.


    So i'm confuse here....i mean i'm furious with him but i'm still in love with him very much. and there have been phone calls around 3-4pm every day but lately i didn't want to answer to phone at all because of the break up and he never leaves a message if the message machine picks up and the phone called have no one leaving a message so my question here is what should i do? i mean i still want to be with him....but i'm just so confused.........please help!

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