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Posts posted by tishatti2002

  1. Hello. Would just like to say that if anyone has been bereaved and would like to talk things through I am very willing to listen. My dad died in 1974 when I was 9. I lost my Mum and brother in 2002. They died 5 months apart. My sister lives in NZ. I have my husband and 3 children but still feel as tho' all my family are gone, the original ones if you know what I mean, the ones that go back to my childhood. I find that talking about how you feel and how you are coping with other people in the same situation is such a great help.


    When I lost my mum and bro I also lost faith in life itself. I am not a very religious person. What I mean is I don't go to church, but I do have faith.


    As times gone on tho', I feel there was a lesson to be learnt and that lesson was how important life really is and how we should appreciate it now when we have it. The loved ones we have lost will never be gone while we are still here to remember them. Nothing can take them away then.


    I hate the thought that people are out there now feeling the pain and loss I did I guess and I just want to listen and try to support. Its what helped me.

    Take care

    Trish XXX

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