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Posts posted by copper87

  1. This is it...I'm leaving town next week. For good.

    You know we could have worked this out if we had been able to talk about our problems openly. I tried to, but there's only so much you can do when it is so one-sided.

    We could have been great, if you'd wanted it. I wanted it with everything in me, and that was exhausting.

    I'm so much less stressed out than I was when I was with you, but I still wish, somehow, that we could have figured out how to be ourselves while still a couple. We used to have so much fun...and Oregon would have been a really fun adventure to go on together.

    But you didn't want that, I guess.

  2. You're doing it wrong! After all that we've both invested into this relationship, you cannot just leave me without comment...over one fight! I know that I have problems, but there are better ways to let me know than to leave me before trying to fix things.


    Are you scared? I know that we were going to move, but you said you were OK with it. You said I was the only one for you. You comforted me after shattering my heart.


    Did you leave me so I would get help? That's kind of what you said. THERE ARE BETTER WAYS TO COMMUNICATE THAT! A depressed person doesn't always know she's depressed. I had no idea I was hurting you so badly.

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