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Posts posted by squirrelman221

  1. I'm sad to be posting on here.

    We really did have it all... and seeing you say that you still loved me brought me back into wishful thinking about being together...

    your reluctance to leave in the end made it all spiral downhill for me.. I was willing to fight for you, for us, I did fight for us, but I saw no interest in us anymore from you.

    I at least thank you for showing me to not be afraid of being myself... but I wish things could work out between us.

    right now I'm at the point that I'm half and half about getting back together, but I ultimately know that I would be more happy in the long run if we did work things out.

    I've learned that my life without you is much simpler.. but I'm willing to go back to the unsureness, because I love you..

    I hope you still think of me, I hope you haven't moved on and forgotten me, and ultimately, I hope you haven't found that life without me is better than life with me...

    but in the end, do what makes you happy, I'm not going to force anything upon you, I'm not going to make you feel guilty any longer... no more..

    I'm sorry for ever hurting you..

    Do what makes you happy.

    I love you.

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