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Posts posted by lost_soul

  1. Ok I came out and told people a year ago. The way i did it was to talk to my friends about the topic of homosexuality and wether or not they thought it was wrong. If it is hard for you to tell them to their faces that your gay then find a friend that you can trust. Some one who doesnt care if your gay or not and then get them to tell the rest of your friends. If any of your friends dont like you for who you are then they are not your true friends to begin with. They should like you for who you are...not what you are! so just be yourself and if you need some help just send me a message.

  2. I was recently dating a girl who I love very much. She talked to one of her friends who thinks homosexuality is wrong. I believe that you will not go to hell b/c of it and that it isn't wrong. She told me she loves me and that out of all the people she has ever been with I made her the happiest. She loves me but she doesnt want to do nething she thinks is wrong. What should I do I love her and want her back but I would have to convince her its not wrong and I dont know how to do that. Some one please help me, what should I tell her.

  3. Ok I have a friend who is straight that I really like and she shares my feelings. I wa going out with her but I broke up with her b/c of a misunderstanding and realized how much I loved her only after I told another girl i would go out with her. I want to be with the first girl b/c I love her alot more, but I don't want to hurt the one I am presently with. Also I told everyone I would never go back with her so I would feel so hipocritical to ever ask her out again. Either way I go I hurt atleast one person I care about, and risk loseing them as a friend. What should I do, who should I be with? Should I just stay singel, OMG what do I do I am going crazy.

  4. Here's how it is, I'm a lesbian and I've known my best friend for over three years. And lately I have been falling in love with her. She was told by someone who knew, but she told them to shut up, that it was not true. She later asked me about it, and I was scared that if she knew it would end our friendship.

    So I denied it. But now my problem is that every time I see her it hurts me, especially when she's with her BF. I can't stand the pain n e more but I don't want to lose her as a friend. How can I tell her. I'm open for any answers.

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