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Posts posted by hurtslikeab

  1. I'm mad at you, I'm mad at your friends, I'm mad at your whole family, even your kids because all of you knew the truth and lied to me to my face. you laughed at me behind my back. after EVERYTHING i did for you, you played me like an idiot. i let you borrow my car, you drove her around in it. i payed for your car insurance, you paid for her prenatal care. i HATE you. all the love i felt for you has turned into soo much hate it hurts. how DARE you get mad at me for finding out the truth. u stole my cell phone, tried to ruin my life but guess what, you didn't. i feel sorry for you actually, your stuck with that chick and all your kids from multiple different women, destined to be a broke barber for life but I'm still young. i sill have my life to live. I'm so glad i learned when i did, before i became the next baby momma. all the money and things you took from me, you can keep that. you obviously need it more than me.

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