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Posts posted by Dystophia

  1. Scary thing is, everything in my past that has made me happy before my ex came along is now gone. Seriously. I'm like a robot now- get up in the morning, go to work, do work I don't like, go home, sleep. Add a little eating in between. I have no friends. Well, I do, but I find little joy in going out with friends. I am by nature a homebody and not very sociable. I have no hobbies that do not remind me of my ex. This is the life I dreaded. I loved life with my ex. He did, too. Now I'm miserable. He is, too. I don't know why this is happening. Oh, and I don't like my family situation either.



    I'd hate to bring this up, but please. If you ever feel like it, call the crisis hotline. Don't just lay down and feel like dying. They're there to help, talk you through it and just generally be there for you in your time of crisis. You don't have to call them if you just feel suicidal, I've called them in my time of crisis. The lady I got was extremely intelligent, funny, and helped me get to sleep that night when I couldn't get my mind to stop running. It is hard. Jeepman does have great advice though. Put yourself first. If they come back, they come back. If they don't, move on. There's other people out there for you. There are a lot of good people out there.

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