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Posts posted by Wafils

  1. Hello, it seems you have a number of responses and have decided to ignore your ex going forward. Good for you! Just to add to the chorus of, don't play with fire and expect to not get burned. 

    Your ex sounds like a monkey-brancher, basically someone who moves seamlessly from one relationship to the next because they can not be alone (I have an ex like this also). The rushed intimacy (disclosing how you are one of his "favorite" people even though he's married with kids) and being secretive from his wife are ENORMOUS red flags. He's likely having martial issues and searching for his next "branch." Once he has you or someone else lined up and agreeable, he'll be ready to dip from the marriage. Or simply carry on an emotional or physical affair. Neither are good outcomes or will bring you any joy. 


    Whatever issues you have with your current BF, just remember that is separate from the ex- whether or not you decide to end things or take a break from you BF, do not make that decision on the basis of the skeezy ex. 

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