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Posts posted by poetryandlyrics

  1. One word: WOW. I prefer sci-FI/fantasy genres, but this book is worth everyone's chance.



    What's it about?


    I don't even know what genre I prefer, lol. I like them all. Historical, poetry, social issues, cop murder mysteries, suspense/thrillers, horror, fantasy, sci-fi... List goes on.


    I wonder if anyone ever heard of Piers Anthony? Fantasy genre. Love it. His books are so punny.

  2. Hmm. I always preferred the Mayfairs to the vampires. Which is saying something, because I love most things vampire-related.


    Wolf Gift is about werewolves.



    I love Anne Rice's vampires. Well, vampires in general, mostly. Lol. My nickname in high school, as my former English teacher called me, was the brat princess, lol. She was the one who introduced me to Anne Rice. And yes, she has a special nickname too that I call her by: spawn of the devil.


    If you think those nicknames were spoken in privacy.... Nope, said out loud in class to each other. I still have her as a friend on Facebook, actually.


    Anyway, if you're wondering, the new book Anne Rice is writing that's bringing back Lestat is... Prince Lestat. Heart. I still remember the first line in The Vampire Lestat: If you haven't met me before, I want this to be love at first sight.. Ooh la la. Haha.

  3. Did you know Anne Rice has a couple of newish books out? I just came accross them in the library last week and picked them up.


    The Wolf Gift and The Wolves of Midwinter, are the titles I think. Can't vouch for them as I haven't read them yet... but it's Anne Rice!


    Current read: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman/Terry Pratchett


    I've heard of Wolf Gift, forgot what it's about. I should probably check that out. There is actually one book of hers that I couldn't get into it. Maybe it's because I was 14 when I read it and couldn't connect. Hm. I forgot the name of it, but it was about an opera singer?

  4. Was on facebook, noticed its... Whatever weird facebook thing it is and it said Anne Rice is bringing back Lestat in a new book. I'm seriously gonna fangirl. Truth: in high school, I actually wrote Anne Rice a fan e-mail... And she answered! Still kept it, saved endearingly in a folder. Lol.

  5. Ahhh, C.S. Lewis. Love that man. I have not read The Magicians Nephew though. I'm sure it will be excellent though, naturally. I'm impressed that your music store also carries books...and good books too apparently!


    A friend said this music store was really famous so maybe that's why it also carries other odd stuff. Not complaining. They had another book there, not gonna mention the name because it's kinda corny, that I had to buy because it... Spoke to me. Haha. It's a funny book though.

  6. I've been reading more poetry, and for some reason I think I'd love the idea of someone reading poetry to me in another language. Instant melt. I need to get this chick thing out of my system, maybe I should change genre to a boy type of genre like horror instead of reading romantic poetry. I'm digging myself into a hole, aren't I? Seriously though: I have gone marking the atlas of your body / with crosses of fire. / My mouth went accross: a spider, trying to hide. / In you, behind you, timid, driven by thirst.

  7. Lemme see if this link works: link removed


    I got it at a random artist fair that showed up a street from my apartment. I also got a necklace there, and its metal was from dismantled, recycled bombs. Part of its profit goes towards the cause. It's cool.


    The pic was taken right after the inking was done. It's brown now, the stain is set in, not blackish brown and looks like ink on skin like the pic. Still looks awesome. Shows sign of fading now that it's like 10 days past and I had to wash my hands at work (it's food-orientated) and couldn't put oil before I put my hand in water as the lady said I should. Oil before water, pat instead of scrub was her instruction after the initial care.

  8. I currently have one on my hand, lol. Got it last week, still looks good. I'll post a picture when I'm not in school. Lady said it cost 25 (though a friend said it normally costs 40 at Venice beach; she was a professional still), and I told her I had a budget of 10-15 so she did one for 15 for the design I wanted. Less elaborate, she said, to match $15, but it still looks amazing.

  9. If you want to read an amazing, bloodcurdling but intelligent horror, try The Ruins by Scott Smith. I think it was a bad movie a few years back but the book... whoa. It doesn't let up.


    Added to my list! Thanks. It's partly for research and partly for myself.

  10. did you ever read 'the dark tower', ethereal? not his typical stuff. but i really enjoyed the first few books.


    No, I haven't. I did see it around but always thought it looked like LOTR-esque. This is by the judging of the cover, lol. Apparently with googling, there's a bit of western in it. Hm. Of course, King listed LOTR as one of his inspirations so I can't be too far off.


    Maybe I'll give it a try. Why not. Any suggestion for a typical horror novel? Possibly one with a psychological kind.

  11. Finished recently The Glass Castle. Amazing novel, heart-wrenching. Autobiography.


    I packed up all of my books though (just bunch of boxes around my apartment) but I do plan to buy a book or two (or five). Been itching for a Stephen King novel. Last time I read one of his that I still remember was Tommyknockers.

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