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Posts posted by confused1979

  1. Great post, so much negativity, people always say it's called a break up for a reason, she doesn't care, move on. I know I turned to this site for some hope, we all know that the chances are slim but the fact there is a chance and success stories gives those of us in love hope


    My mate just got married, his wife and him had split up 3 times over many years and now they are married and extremely happy. He told me to not give up hope.


    Another friend of mine just got back with her ex.


    Be realistic but if you believe don't let anyone tell you otherwise

  2. It sucks doesn't it , only made worse when people say you will be ok, it wasn't meant to be, you will meet someone better. You haven't asked for advice but mine is always do what is best for you. Listen to advice of friends and loved ones but always go with your gut. I get the fake smile and great to hear you say you know the heaviness of your heart will fade. It sure will, the loved one will always have a piece of it but it really does get easier everyday. I am 3 months into a break up and I think about her almost every minute of everyday but what improves is your ability to cope/deal with those thoughts.


    Wishing you all the best

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