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Posts posted by OLA

  1. Ok,


    I realize this is going to sound strange, since most guys here complain they have trouble meeting girls. I have the opposite problem.


    You would say I'm goodlooking and successful. I never had problems meeting girls, to the point that they mostly chase me. Either through friends or social events (no not clubs since they are a waste of time), I get numbers of girls too easy.


    Here's the problem. These girls I get turn out to be headcases. One after the other to the point it worries me when a girl hits on me because I'm going to find out she's got problems. The last five girlfriends have all been pretty, smart, and have emotional baggage out the wazoo. All seem to have different issues, but seem to have issues. It's like I attract the girls with issues.


    I even changed the places I met girls thinking that I need to go after more professional women. Same problem. One recently, I decided to go after because I actually like her. Same issue. It's like I pick the wrong person all the time. I'm not talking about little crap that everybody brings to the table. I'm talking about serious problems.


    It's not to be arrogant, becase I consider it a serious problem that I can't seem to find a decent good looking girl with her head on straight.


    Any advice?

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