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Posts posted by xstar

  1. My friend was broken up with in college after 2 years of dating. The guy got GIGS. They got back together a few months later and stayed together for 8 years until they broke up again a few months ago.


    Yes, you can say that reconciliations don't last, but I'd like to argue that the fact that they stayed together 8 years is a big deal, and the current break up is not related at all to the one that happened 8 years ago.

  2. I wish this were true but sadly, I don't think it is.


    Where are you getting your information though?


    Remember, this forum is NOT representative of the real world. Its a very limited sample of people who feel emotions and break up very strongly. I get the feeling that the people that end up back together are often the ones who don't care as much.. so that would already be a smaller amount than in real life. Then also, don't forget that this forum has very few consistent users. I doubt that most of the posters come back and say - hey this and this happened and give us an update. Most of the posts are.. "we've been 3 month NC after a 5 year relationships.. tried to reconcile, he still doesn't want to talk to me, wrote him an angry letter". Again, not a sample of what happens down the line AFTER the person moves on.


    Which is why I like this thread. I feel like it gives a more real world perspective on what happens in the long run.

  3. Wanted to add two stories to this thread!


    The first one is about my mom - it's not a reconciliation story but nonetheless a happy ending. She was dating a guy for two years she was madly in love with but he had some family issues. One day he disappears. No word, no nothing - my mom just finds out that he left. She is devastated, quits her job and leaves the country to stay with friends for three months. Comes back and start living her life again. Shortly after, meets another guy, gets married and gets pregnant. When she's visibly pregnant - the first guy comes back, about 1.5 years later, saying that he loves her and wants to be with her. She's just like.. ugh, I'm happily married. My parents have been married for 30 years now. She's very happy she ended up with my dad instead of the first guy.


    The second is about one of my friends. She's a groupie for indie bands and met a musician while following the band around on tour. She hooked up with him the first night after meeting him and they continue to hook up when he was in her town. But after a few months, he got tired of it and started telling her things like ' I like you like a little sister" and "It's not going to work". She tried really hard to get him to see her (even though they were just FWB). Eventually he stopped responding and started dating a porn star. She gets on with her life.. really miserable. Decides that she's tired for being miserable for two years after this guy, wants to be in the music world, quits her job and moves to LA. Ends up running into the guy who lives in LA too through mutual friends. She's not into him anymore but stays polite to not make things weird for her friends. In the meantime, during the time they were apart he got the fun out of his system and wanted to settled down. Six months later they move in together and are getting married after living together for 2 years. I still don't like him for a million reasons but she's very happy.

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