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Posts posted by Chica118

  1. My boyfriend and I have strong plans about being together in the future. I thought we were having the perfect relationship. He tells me all the time I'm everything anyone could possibly want and how lucky he is to have a girlfriend who comes from a good family background, is smart and does well in school, is a model and has a great personality. But the other night when we were talking I realized I'm not everything, he told me that having sex with me is okay-ish. That it takes him too long to climax and that because I can't stay wet during sex is a turn off. What is wrong with me? He's wonderful in bed and I would love nothing more than to please him in everyway, he's well endowed but I haven't had an orgasm at all, he also feels badly because he would like for us to orgasm at the same time and it doesn't happen like that at all. He told me he avoids having sex with me now and only does it for me to be happy, needless to say I feel horrible and physically sick, and have been in bed crying all day. He claims that he loves everything else about so much that he wouldn't leave me and doesn't want to be with anyone else...but I know down the line he'll want someone who pleases him more right? What can I do?

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