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Posts posted by brookeP21

  1. Ok destructo man. I know EXACTLY what you are going through. dont listen to the message above me because she is wrong!! you were right not to pick up your phone and to take all her calls. you needed your space. most people when they break up dont talk to there ex for a good few months but i know how you feel. I had a boyfriend for 3 years. we were engaged for over a year and a half and suppose to be getting married in february. We broke up exactly 1 month ago . my situation is a little different because after we broke up, we still hung out, slept together and talked on a day-to-day basis. on friday the 5th of december he came over to my house and made love to me. yesterday he called me up to tell me that he took another girl on a date the night before. how could he come over and make love to me the night before he took another girl on a date. and to top it all off. he told me that he "doesnt know" if he wants to date her. How can someone who really loves you get over you in 1 month. i know how you feel. i feel completelly USED and BETRAYED. the only person that i have ever trully loved and trusted has betrayed that. but heres some advice that a very good friend gave me. Dont sit there and think that you are never going to find someone like her again. YOU DONT WANT SOMEONE LIKE HER AGAIN!!! it didnt work out with her and she treated you like crap, you want someone better that is more deserving for what you have to offer. and secondly, dont think this is your fault. If you are still willing to make it work between you to and she doesnt jump at the oppertunity, than she is the one that loses. just know that you did everything that you could to try and make this work. she is the one that was to afraid to take a risk. one thing to remember is that every relationship has its ups and downs, and every one has problems, its not what you do when everything is great that shows when you love somebody, its what you do when everything is not great that shows if you trully love someone. She is not over you though, so dont think that she doesnt even care about you. she has the same void you do, but the difference is, is that she is trying to fill that by jumping into another relationship so quickly. Its the wrong thing to do, because its being done for the wrong reasons. The best thing to do would be to cut off all contact for a while. I know its hard, and i am kinda a hypacrit, because i have yet to STILL do that, but its the only way to move on with your life. If someone that you loved decides that they done love you anymore, then they DONT deserve you. try and keep your head up, and just remember, that even though you probably cant see it now, she probable did you a huge favor. think if you would have been married already. thats what i keep thinking. The hard part is not having them there. thats what i miss, is not being able to call him and give him a kiss whenever i want. Everyone keeps telling me it will get better but i dont feel like it will. just know that you are not the only person out there who feels this way, and that if someone trully loved you UNCONDITIONALLY........then they would want it to work between you too until there was absolutelly no hope. I know you miss her now, but one day you will see that she will not be the last girl that you love. just know that none of this is your fault, and that you tried everything to make it work, the ball was in her court ant she passed it up with no problem. that should just tell you what kind of a person it is. I know that when you talk to her, that you feel like she is a completelly different person, but instead of thinking about it that way just think of it as you finally found out how she really was. just cut off all contact and try and move on with your life. there is someone out there that is going to make you 1000 times more happier than you ever thought you were with her. if you need to talk or vent a little, my email adress is email removed. feel free to email me anytime if you need someone to talk to .

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