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Posts posted by black_magic_goddess

  1. hi,


    erm well to start with, thank you to everyone who replyed.

    i've been thinking yeah, sorry if this seems big headed but im getting good at that prolonging thing, well i think.

    i've kinda changed my mind, i said after christmas but before new year. but now im thinking along the lines of i dont have a time.

    im going to see how things go.

    so im er kinda proud of myself



    *Good To Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have To Do Is Die*

  2. hi people,


    i just want to say thank you to all of you who replyed and for all of your advice.


    but i think ive made a desicion. im going to do it, i want to.

    i just got to get the timing right.


    im going to do it, after xmas, maybe before new year, maybe after.

    not too sure yet.



    erm well thats bout it,


    and thanks agian guys! i do appreciate it,

    really i do.





  3. er hi, this is my 1st topic ive put up.

    and reading all these posts has made me think, half of you dont know what your on about.

    sorry but thats my opinion.

    you say get on with life, things'll get better. but its not that easy.

    you say all those people you have tried but not yet comitted suicide are silly because if they wanted to do it they would be dead by now.

    but have you stopped to think why?

    yeah true maybe they dont deep down want to die, but maybe summit else stopped them.

    we all have our own situations,

    but it helps to talk so when people ask not to go all 'NO DONT DO IT'

    dont. because they dont need/ or want it.

    and the same goes for me.

    im not a 'happy' person, people might think i am but let them think that, its less for them 2 worry bout. i dont want people to worry about me, but im going to have to get out at some point, because it is to much to handle.

    i cant think about it, it takes up so much space in my head, and i cant concentrate at school or whatever im doing, so grades have gone down, people think im thick and i get the mick taken because of it.

    friends know im not happy, they wouldn't call me depressed, but then again i dont tell them anything, they'd freak and be like ok we can't be your mates now.....

    and i dont want that, or maybe i do. if they hated me it would be so much easyer.

    less for me to worry about.and that probably sounds really mean, but its true, if i dont have to worry about hurting them, its less for me to get worked up about.

    anyone else and i wouldn't care, the amount of times ive wanted to get rid of other peopel!! lol but no if they are all hating me,and so many are,maybe its me and not aaaaalll of them!?!? maybe its my fault...

    maybe im scared, but whos going to know? whos going to care?

    i think i might be scared, maybe thats why i cant do it.

    the amount of times ive tried, ive lost count.

    and only in the space of 2years.

    it just doesn't seem to work, its like it doesn't want me to,i don't know what i did wrong. i don't think i even did anything wrong. i took well over the amount it said 2 take maximum, and i did every 'do not' on the box!!!

    i didn't do anything wrong! so why didnt it work?!?!?

    someone help me!!!!!! please!!!


    sorry for writing so much!!


    peace out


    \m/ \m/

  4. l




    yeah i know how you feel, and i wish i could say sumething to make you feel better, but i'll probably just say aload of crap that dont help so sorry about that!!

    sorry if you hear this alot but you should talk to someone. and i mean like properly

    sit down wiv someone who isnt going to keep butting in and making stupid comments, and explain to them, exactly whats going on.


    again sorry if that is totally crap and dont help


    peace out \m/ \m/

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