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Posts posted by doc7777

  1. For those who are total zombies, numb to the world around them, and despising those who are in love. You don't eat anymore, feel sick to your stomach, can't wait till the day is over but then you realize night is actually the worst, laying in bed with these thoughts which won't go away. You can't focus on anything, your mind overcome and overwhelmed by her. You feel you will never be happy again, will never find a girl as good as her again, will never be able to love again.


    Good description, huh. Thats because I've already went through hell. The worst thing I did was read all these posts about people who were still depressed months and years after their breakup...I thought it would be this way for a while........but I was wrong.


    What did I do that was so special that I reverted completely out of cataclismic depression in a matter of days...I DECIDED TO BE A MAN. I literally looked at myself in the mirror and was disgusted by what I saw, the worlds biggest, sorriest *** staring back at me. I looked myself in the eye in the bathroom one night, "it is just you and me buddy, we either turn this thing around together or we continue to suffer together, our choice." Be a F*CKING MAN for christ sakes, quit wallowing in your own self pitty and do what you need to do. Focus on the task at hand and worry about the bullshit when you have time. Screw all this "i like to keep a journal of my thoughts so I can sort out my feelings" bullshit, pull yourself together and act like you got a pair of nuts the size of texas. no one can do for you except for you. Quit being a *** and step up to the plate, everyone gets a little callused sometimes, builds character. If you continue to act like a sorry ass, that is how the world will look at you and treat you. You must just feel the pain momentarily, get back to your feet, dust yourself off, put your chin up, and say "F*CK YOU WORLD, I AM BACK, TOOK A HIT BUT I AM A MAN. I AM A MAN!"

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