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Posts posted by Sammy6

  1. Ya know, It's a funny world we live in.. I worked late tonight and was meeting my good friend a Buffalo Wild Wings.. I was at the turning signal and I see you driving near my house going to the grocery store.. I know you mentioned you "drove" in my neighborhood a couple of months ago.. Is that where your new boy friend lives? near my house? Anyway.. It shook me up for a minute.. Then I meet my buddy at the bar, we have a few good laughs because I haven't seen him in a while.. Had a great time.. then it's time to leave, then I started to walk out and I see your son.. Your 21 year old son... He sees me and I was very polite.. Even though you told me that he didnt want me with you last christmas.. I said hi, and he said hi... Then i left and even said bye to the guy who didnt want me in your life.. even thgouh I supported you for sooooooooo long.. Neither one of you appreiciate the support I gave to you and him..


    Anyway.. not sure why I'm writing this, but I am moving on.. You never cared for me even though I cared for you soooo much and i'm sure nobody will care for you like I did.. I can't wait for the day you TRY to come back into my life.. Because I won;t be there.. If you ever try, you wil get nothing from me ever again.. I am soooo far gone from you....


    Anyway, like I said before, Have a great efing life! Go and use others like you used me.. you are pethetic!!!! You will never ever get the fact that I supported you and your kids for so long.. I was waaaayy too nice.. I hope every single guy your with in the future sees what you're really all about sooner than I did,. I was an idiot for you!!


    Good riddance..!

  2. I;m not sure how you can live life, laugh like everything is A OK.. How do you do mean and cruel things to someone and not think twice about it?


    I thought I knew you, but know I really KNOW you! And you're someone I would never, ever consider being with.. I'm not sure how I survived 4 years?


    Two weeks before we break up, you asked to move in with me? Best decision I ever made was to say NO, it's not the right time.. The night we break up, you were talking about marriage and hour before. really? F YOU!

  3. I no longer love you.. At least the way I used to... You will NEVER feel the same love I gave to you...Ever again. It's a damn shame what you did...


    You threw it all away in one weekend that you will never be able to take back.


    I'm sure you're putting up that "wall" that you usually do... and telling everyone what a Jerk I am, like you usually do... Thats ok though, you have to live with yourself. I hope you are truly happier than you were with me.


    You always told me that you never loved like you loved me, not even your ex husband.. Well, I am forever gone and you will never feel the kind of love I gave to you.

  4. I know you don't care... You havent for a long long time... BUt, I don;t know why I do. You have shown me the ugly person you really are.. I'm sure this is a big joke to you.. You have no idea crazy you've made me..


    I can't stop obsessing over you. You are my constant thought. But I know deep down in my heart you are just a user.. I can't believe you asked me to move into my house a few weeks ago. I'm sure the guy your with now will fulfill your housing needs until you get your own place. After all, you're a user. You used me for soo long. I was good to you and your kids.. I was very generous to you and your kids.. And your boys don;t even appretiate me for being soo generous.


    All my friends have said, dude, don't contact her, she doesn't deserve someone like you.. You are a good person.


    I know oine day you will miss me.. Maybe you'll try to get into contact with me, but guess what? I won;t be ther for you. You suck!


    I despise who your are as person. Get lost and stay out of my life!!

  5. It's been two weeks since we spoke... The last time we spoke you told me you loved me, then the next day you were off to the beach with someone else. Everyday is getting better and better.. I still feel angry and my heart jumps everytime I think about it.. Especially posting it on fb like a child for me to find. You only did that to piss me of, because I sent you a text 10 minutes before saying, I have a good feeling why you ignored me al weekend, i'm not stupid, have a great life.. And I was right...


    Gues what honey, you made your own bed.. I will never be there for you again.. you always said you loved me because I was the only one that would help you with your business and anything else you needed..


    I am no longer there for you. Nobody will be there for you like I was. thats a fact. and you KNOW this..


    I know you are telling everyone lie to make yourself look better.. Thats a shame, because you know better..


    Anyway, I'm just writing down thoughts.. you know nobody will ever love you like I did.. You even told me that.. it must have been a lie.


    I just got off the phone with a girl that I met the other day.. We talked for about 2 hours. we are really hitting it off. She knows my situation and wants to be my friend.. maybe more but who knows..


    Anyway, good luck with your pathetic life of lies.. Hope it works out for you.


    GOOD BYE, forever and ever..

  6. For the first time in 4 years, I haven't said Happy Valentine to you. Does it make me sad? Yes it does. BUT, I l know what kind of a person you really are.. You are cruel and a rotten human being. I never have any intentions of speaking to you again.. Everything you left at my house is in the trash!


    Good luck to the next guy.. Le'ts see if you can fool him for as long as you did me.. I hate you!

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