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Posts posted by Death

  1. Ermmmm hi,well i guess I'm here for one reason...as u can all guess.

    I dont want to be talked out of it...I've already read nearly all the posts on here. And its nice to know there are people out there....who...actaully care what happens to others.


    What i'm trying to say is...i've been thinking of suicide....for a while now. I dont want to go into my reasons...mainly because alot would consider it to be pathetic... But well,i wanted to know what would be the best why to do so.


    I have one chance...if it doesnt work then i know i'll never have the guts to do it again,and before any one says...i know that suicide is a selfish and cowardly act...well some think so anyway....which is why I went a method,that well....if it doesnt work...wont have serious affects afterwards. This defeats the whole reason for suicide....i know. But i'm really scared that if it doesnt work there will be really bad side effects,eg. liver damage etc.


    I'd be really grateful if anyone IM's me,or...emails me on email removed,or email removed



    Once again....please dont try and convince me other wise,i have my plans...and my reasons.





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