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most heinous

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Posts posted by most heinous

  1. allright... we had a our cotillion last nite, and the girl that asked me to it was my ex-girlfriend of about 7 or 8 months ago. From the start of the new school yr (last yr) she's always smiled at me in the hallways and occasionally waved to me, and sometimes tries to start conversations in class. i still liked her and naturally, i thought she liked me again, but i didn't tell her about it. Well, a few days before our cotillion dance, i was told she liked another guy (this guy is one of my friends), but still "had a soft spot for me".

    I wasn't completely sure it was true, didn't know what to think etc. So i for the most part just ignored it. So last nite i pulled up to her house, she gave me a rose and smiled, talked to me, etc. naturally i thought she still liked me. Then before we leave for the dance, i ask one of her friends about this guy she apparently likes, and she says they are TOGETHER (as in almost dating). I was kind of shocked. I researched some more at the party and found it was true. Just to make sure, i asked her while i was dancing with her, and she also said it was true. I was crushed, and still kind of am (this has happened before.. it was she who dumped me in our previous relationship). The thing is, i really like this girl alot, and have never given up on her, even when she dumped me (tho i was kinda angry). So, just feeling pretty down and out, not even that angry or anything, just depressed... anyone got anything to say?

  2. Hey, um, this cotillion dance is coming up, and surprise, my ex-girlfriend of about 8 months ago (we only dated for a month before she dumped me) asked me to it...

    well um, i plan on asking her out after the dance, since ive been wanting to for a while, and i was pretty sure up until this point that she still somehow liked me (even though when she dumped me she passed the "i think i only like you as a friend" line on me.., however, she also said she was also still willing to go out with me again in the future, strange as that might seem), but anyway, Ive been having some trouble reading her. I try to talk to her everyday , since i know that she isn't much of a conversation initiator (or so i think), and when i do, she always smiles and gives me a direct answer, looking me in the eyes... however, sometimes i don't pay attention to her and am afraid to start up a conversation for the sake of looking awkward, which backfires and ends up making the situation even more awkward and me disappointed. so any help, any confirmations that she might like me, any tips on initiating conversations with her (im trying to take a different approach to her this time, since last time got me dumped)?

  3. Well, let's see...


    I was going out with this girl from my school about 6 months ago, but we only went out for a month before she dumped me. I don't really know why, she dropped the "i think we should be friends" line by me and i kinda overreacted... I sounded cool on the phone, but at school for the next few days i was acting pretty nasty towards her and others, mainly because i was told she stopped liking me for "looking stoned all the time" (i don't smoke at all, though i do have that look on my face alot). She talked to me a few days later, saying i seemed really mad, and i told her i was, though i acted pretty calm when telling her. I told her what i had been told about why she dumped me, and she asked me if i really believed that. I kinda wanted to say yes, but the word "no" came out of my mouth.


    Now a whole summer later, i'm feeling pretty bad about how i acted, and since i realized i still really like this girl, i want to start up dating here again. I really feel i should apologize for my behavior after the end of that previous relationship, but first of all i'm not sure how to go about it without sounding really strange, and second of all, i don't know how i should ask her out after that. I still talk to her today in a friendly way, but i dunno if she would really accept what i have to say...

    any help? thanks

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