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Posts posted by c0nfuzed

  1. I had the same kinda thing. I don't think it's that she doesn't like you though. In my situation there is this girl who like you, I have liked since I met her a year ago. We'd talk in the hall and after classes and sit by each other at noon and stuff. But then one day she invited me to her house to hang out. That was on like a thursday night (we had friday off of school). So I went there watched a movie and had a good time. And then on monday we didn't sit by each other at noon, and when we passed each other in the hall she just kept looking strait and didnt really even seem to notice me. But then that night I chatted with her on msn and we talked just like we normally would have. This all happened about a month ago and I asked about it on a different site. The answers I got was that some girls want to make sure you'll come after them and stuff just to make sure you are serious about the relationship. It's hard to tell though cuz girls are sooo hard to understand its crazy. But yeah I think you still got a good chance with her just talk to her about it... the worst thing that can happen is she will say she doesn't like you, but she'll sugar coat it and say stuff like "lets just be friends" or "I don't want a relationship at this point in my life"

  2. Theres a girl I go to school with and I like her. I'm pretty sure she likes me too, theres been lots of eye contact. We walk together in the hall very closely and all that. and lots of flirting and we tell each other lots etc... but the other day she mentioned as we were walking down the hall that she liked a certain guy. He is a very popular senior who has a g/f and we are sophomores so not to be mean or anything but she doesnt really have a chance with him. My question is do you think she was just like kidding around, i mean i think a lot of senior girls are hot too, but I like her. I'm pretty sure if I asked her out she would say yes but do ya think she really is going to try for that guy or what is goin on? girls can be very difficult to understand

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