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Posts posted by VeryConfused17

  1. The more I look back at what we had, now thats its been sometime since the BU, I realize we were not as compatible as i thought. I was blinded by love. You were my first relationship and my first love. However here is a list of things that i bothered me:

    1) You never liked the way I kept my room, as such a "boys room"

    2) I know you came from a rich family but when I paid for meals you didnt always have to get the most expensive wine

    3) My friends really liked you but I you never seemed to want to hang out with them, but I always went out of my way to hang out with yours. If you did hang out with me and my friends you made it pretty obvious that you were just doing it for me.

    4) I drove 5 hours once a week for 7 months when we were long distance just to see you, but you only came twice to see me or my family in my city.

    5) I know you like to go out to eat all the time, but goddamn that gets expensive. its called cooking, learn it

    6) I moved from my home town to yours, took a * * * * ty job, to allow us to be closer together. Then when I finally get a job thats important to me, you don't even consider the idea of maybe moving with me after 3 years of dating.

    7) You broke up with me on my birthday. You suck. Then we got back together for one more year afterwards. That was mistake now.

    8) I gave up an amazing job offer out of state just after graduation to try and be closer to you

    9) You emotionally detached yourself from me long before we broke up, and started datingsome other dude only 6 weeks later.

    10) I was there for you always, phone, text, skype, 5 hour drive, just to sleep over... and you used me to satisfy your emotional needs


    I could keep going but I'd rather not dwell. Just to let you know. I slept with your friend two weeks after we broke up, she was a squirter, it was awesome. Then 4 days later I slept with you again.


    I had my faults too, I've noted them, learned from them, and I will take that into my next relationship. Enjoy. I'm out.

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