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Posts posted by rodmags

  1. Hello Ry2003...

    This may seem a little simplistic, but I do agree with Cid's reply.

    I feel the only way to begin resolving this issue is to tell this girl truly how you feel about her. Yes you want to keep your pride and dignity in tact, but I feel that having self dignity due to knowing you did everything you could possibly do to reach your goal is much better than the self torture you seem to be putting yourself through at the moment. You are worth more than that. Laying your heart out on the table and risking it being trodden on is difficult, trust me I've been there, but regardless of her answer I do believe you will fell a better man for doing this. Then you will finally know the truth and eventually relief, and will feel a great burdon lifted from your heart. I hope this helps you in making your final decision.

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