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Posts posted by starlippy7501

  1. Well, my only response to your question, is yet another question. How can I expect unconditional love from him, if I don't give it in return? When he told me about her, he said that he only slept with her once, and I believe him. I forgave him because I believe in our dreams as a couple and I believe in him. I believe in true love, and I believe that if there is something that you want, you should fight for it. What can I say, I guess I am kind of a soldier for love!

  2. Well, thank you for reading this. I would appreciate any help that I can get, because I don't feel just one emotion. I feel all emotions. Here is my story.

    My fiancee and I broke up about a month back, and I thought that my life was over. He is my best friend, and my lover, and my everything. Well, just when I had figured out how to just have an empty existence, he came back, crying, saying that he had made a mistake and he wanted me back. So, I said ok come home. When I told him this he cried harder and said that he had made a mistake, and he had slept with a girl from work. I said that it was ok. I forgave, and I forgot. He said that he couldn't end it right away because he was her boss, and she was vindictive. Well, he still hasn't ended it, and recently he has been spending the night over there, when he has been living here with me. He comes home every day and says that he loves me, and I know that he does, but I feel like I am being left out of whatever is going on. I am not going to leave him, and I know that. I just have to figure out how not to drown in this empty bed, and how to get him to remember that I love him, without making him feel pressured.


    If anyone has any advice it would be muchly appreciated. I just want to die sometimes, because I can't bear the thought of losing my best friend, and my partner. How can I make him come home, and help him to ditch her?

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