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Posts posted by NCMaster

  1. Do you think reconciliation can still occur even if as you as the dumpee have tried to contact them a few times and got little response, and then told them you still care and that you're going to back off now and let them decide what they want to do. He told me he'd fallen out of love and we've had very LC/ NC for the last year (but have to see one another every day at Uni) we were together over a year. HE said we could be friends but then told a mutual friend he was finding it "too hard" very early on and so mostly avoids me.... I tried to move on... had another relationship- but then I broke up with him because it was wasn't working right.


    Or is there only a change if you totally walked away and had NC?


    Hi Rescueme,


    Im not sure how long you guys dated and what the dynamic of your relationship was.


    There is always hope, if you lose all hope of reconciliation. Catch 22, but if hoping for reconciliation is prohibiting you from living life to the fullest, you probably will not get back with him.


    The more my ex-ex wanted to reconcile, the less I wanted to reconcile!


    Forget about him for the time being, he is probably not interested at this point. He might never be again, or he might be. But I would just not put any energy into thoughts of him whatsoever. Spend time loving yourself and making yourself happy


    To my experience, when I needed/wanted a relationship the least, they just showed up. weird. The more I wanted a relationship, the more desperate my actions were, and the less successful I was. I can also say that the more I wanted a relationship, the more I was only in it for the relationship and not the other person.


    So be in it for yourself, and watch your world change.

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