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Posts posted by Katrine

  1. Dear Mom w 4 mo old


    My husband and I have 5 children. I'm the Step-mom to the older two, and Mom to three younger children.


    With our first daughter, my mother-in-law was insistent that I feed my baby rice in her milk. I do not believe in this method, It's over feeding them. If they're still fussy give them a little water in a bottle, rock them. so asked our pediatrician about it.

    Our pediatrician does not feel it is a good thing to do. As he explained it to us, a baby's's still developing in sucking, swallowing and digestion so we should not concider giving her cereal until 6 months and then with a spoon.

    She drank 5-6 oz of formula about evry three - four hours. Burp the baby, make sure it's a good burp too, half way through then finish the bottle or until the baby acts full (pushes the bottle away). Burp the baby again. Having air in the stomach can easily make baby's spit-up.

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