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Posts posted by nitromethane

  1. without my wife or kids my last months will be spent alone.

    this christmas will be the last time i am able to be with my children and my wife is only going to let them see me for 2 weeks, after that i wont see them again no matter what so i have nothing to hold on for after then

    the coming months will be filled with pain,depression, solitude and chemo/radiotherapy as i gradually become more and more disabled. not exactly conditions for enjoying yourself, no matter how cheery you are.

    dieing from brain cancer is not an easy way to go.

    i'd rather burn to death or drown im sure both hurt a hell of a lot less.

  2. i am 28, i have terminal brain cancer with about 6-12 months to live

    my wife who i have been dateing since i was 14, told me she wants a divorce, she wants to move, take my 2 kids and start over with someone else.

    i love my wife and my kids, loseing them like this on top of the pain and side effects from the tumor is more than i care to take.

    i have talked with people about Antidepressants , but from what it sounds like rather than make you feel better, they make you feel nothing. i dont want to spend the last bit of life i have with no emotions, i'd rather die the person i am now. before depression and cancer change me.

    anyone know of a substance or method that has little chance of failure?

    i dont want to shoot myself because what if i survived? plus the mess it would make.

    jumping off a building sounds pretty damn scarey

    ODing on pills doesnt sound like it works well

    cutting your wrists doesnt sound like it does much good.

    my Thought was for using Carbon Monoxide from my car or Hanging

    Hanging sounds pretty effective and painless if you break your neck rather than choke to death

    Carbon Monoxide could leave you brain dead but still alive and that doesnt sound good.

    so i am seeking advice for using the best method,

    please no B.S. about

    dont do it, blah, blah, blah. if you want to help hook me up with a effective way to die with out a s#@% load of pain

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