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Posts posted by Redwood

  1. NF-


    I think women and men tend to have different understanding of "love."

    I noticed that when men say "I love you" it does not insure eternal love, but only what they feel at the moment. If times get tough or if they meet other people, they give you a blank look and say "things changed" or they "don't understand anything anymore."


    At least in my experience, I understood love as working on your relationship (granted that it is not physically or mentally abusive.)


    Quite frankly, I've given up for a while and think I will just enjoy the freedom of not having to fear rejection despite passionate promises.


    Unlike the law of contracts, you can't enforce a promise from your significant other.

  2. Two days ago, it was our third year anniversary. We were living together for two and a half years when I decided to go to the west coast to start law school. We decided that our relationship was so stable and loving, that we can deal with the long distance thing.


    He visted me three days ago with a "commitment" ring and broke up with me completely two days later.


    Apparently he cannot handle the loneliness and sees me as a child more than a lover.


    I cannot believe that he gave me an engagment ring only to take it back.


    All I can say is that we have to keep our heads up and DON'T CALL him.


    It will only mak it worse. Good luck and always remember that there are other woman out there in the same massive pain; pain so strong that it is impossible to move.


    BTW - I found this quote really helpful in the most painful moments of my life.


    He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart and in our own despair, against our will comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

    Aeschylus, Agamemnon


    I promise, we will survive this.

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