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Posts posted by gluestick

  1. wow, so she completely stopped speaking to your cousin? she didn't think that they'd ever speak again?


    She did contact him during those 2 years of NC and wanted him back, but he rejected her both times. After the 2nd rejection, she decided that enough is enough. It's time for her to move on and give up hope of having my cousin back in her life again. She really believed that they would never reconcile, even though she still cared about him as a person. After the 2 years NC, she dropped off a gift at his house and that made my cousin realize that she still cared about him.

  2. Guess I'll add a story too. It's about my cousin and his wife. They dated during the last year of high school, but broke up as they moved and went to different colleges. They reconnected towards the end of college and got back together for another 2 years and broke up again. The main reason they broke up a second time was because she wanted to settle down and get married, while my cousin wasn't ready. They talked about getting married in a few years, but she kept pushing up the date. As a result, they would constantly fight and towards the end of their relationship, my cousin had already mentally checked out. Then a small fight erupted into them breaking up a second time. It took 2 years for her to completely move on and it was only achieved through no contact. She started dating another man and fell in love, but decided to one day visit my cousin's family. They hung out for 2 days before he realized that she's the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Ultimately, she decides to leave the other guy and go back to my cousin. 4 months later, they got married. The weird thing is, my cousin's wife later found out the other man she dated died from cancer not too long after she left him. Her mom always tells her that it's a good thing she ended up choosing my cousin. Funny how life works...

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