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Posts posted by godswholeplan

  1. One day I know i'll stop loving you and move on. I don't know how long it will take but I hope I find peace one day soon. After everything I've ever been through you are the one who is weak, and I can't fix you. I took care of you for 5 years and you ran away from us. I know one day you'll realize what you did because I know you still loved me when you left. You spent years tearing down every single part of me and to be honest it worked. I was going somewhere in life, and you hadn't done a thing since graduating high school. I let you verbally and emotionally abuse me for 4 years. I let you because I believe I deserved it but I can tell you now I didn't. I don't know why you hated me so much. All I ever did was try to help you. When my mother got sick, I stood on my own two feet and took care of everyone. I was giving you credit for holding me up, but you weren't even there. I did it. She was dying and you vanished. I always made excuses for you. You took all the strength I had left. I'm broken, but not forever. The person I loved is gone, and has been replaced with someone who just wants everyone to think he's cool. You are selfish and I feel sorry for you. Things never had to be like this, but its how its all turned out. I love my old A. I know he's in there but you've decided to be this other person. It's not my problem anymore. I get to go back to the life I've created and thrived in while you continue to self destruct. I won't be saving you anymore. I will always remember you, but I hope I never have to see you again.

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