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Posts posted by one_h_r

  1. Do I let him go and have "time"? Do I try to get him back? Do I talk to him or shut him completely out of my life now? I never thought I could feel this much pain and hurt, and I can't concentrate on anything else right now. Any comments, similar stories/outcomes or advice would be gratefully accepted.


    Hi FuzzyPeah,


    I'm a little older than you are but went through a similar experience not too long ago. Needless to say that it did not work out in the end. I was in love with a woman, and i was told the same thing you were "things were off, need time". I felt like there was nothing that could make me feel better and it took several months to get over it. At times it's hard not to get bothered by it. Some people seem able to love and move on, while others like myself love and only seem to lose.


    I tried to express how much this person meant to me, and in the end it was not worth the time or effort. A broken heart takes as long as it needs to mend. I hope whatever happens in your case that you don't let it bother you too much. The next few months will most likely be the hardest you've faced in a long time. I hope things work out one way or another for you.


    I've never been to this site before and signed up today. I couldn't help but reply to your post. Take care girl.



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