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Posts posted by Petrozzas

  1. We broke up 20th of June.. for about a month we had casual contact. One day I told her that I missed her and that is her choice for us to be together. She said that she didnt want us back together, only just to have contact. I told her that I loved her, that I really tried hard for her and that I dont want anymore contact because I was still in love and needed time to heal. She never answered..


    So I was in NC for 1.5 month, until a friend of me told me that she saw her walking with another man with hands holding. I felt really terrible, sad and out of my weakness I texted her,broke NC, to tell her that I still think about her and want take care of herself. She said the same for me.. We talked with messages it was good to hear from her, it was a nice conversation without talking about our relationship or her possible new boyfriend. I really should have let it go after that but I couldn't.. I texted her again after 3 days to see how was she doing.. She was very cold and I asked her why? I cant be like I used to be she said and It s not reasonable.. I said you are right, I understand goodnight. And that was it.. I felt really bad after that. I regret texting her, looking weak.


    So here I am..


    Day 2 of NC

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