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Posts posted by tanisha

  1. Im am confused at wether I have been physically abused before. There was one day I was really tired and went to bed around 4 c'clock because I wasn't feeling good and my adoptive mother came downstairs and told me to go outside I answered "no im too tired I need my rest" she yelled that I needed to pay here $5 I said ok i need my rest and then she told me to get the money. I had 3 $20 bills and so i gave her one and asked that she would pay me back later. She said no i want exact change which I DIDNT HAVE and then fined me ANOTHER $20 and I finally just stormed outside in my stocking feet and and fan after me and grabbed my arm and yanked me backwards yelling "dont run away dont even try that" and i tried breaking her grip and the next thing i knew she was yelling for my father and my father came out and kicked me behind the knees and forced me to the ground then they proceeded to straddle me. I resisted and tried getting up by kicking and pushing. My dad then went inside and got some pills (anti-anxiety pills that were on hold because this wasnt the first instance where they told doctors that i was in the blame and just blew up on them for no reason) and some zip ties. They then turned me over so i was on my stomach with my hands behind my back and tried zip tying my feet and hands together, i thankfully being quite skinny slipped out of the ties before they could get them to fasten tight enough to keep me tied up. But then they got the pills and my mother proceded to try shoving the pills down my throat and i spit them back out. She kept putting her finger in my mouth and i said "if u put ur finger back in my mouth ONE more time i will bite it" she did again and i bit down just enough to give her a little pinch but kept holding on. She screamed "bob! Shes hurting me!" and then my dad elbowed my head into the rocks and called the cops on me. I tried commiting suicide that night because i was having enough of this but it didnt work. I was put in the hospital that night and they asked if i was having suicidal thoughts and i said yes and they put me into a mental facility the next morning and the people there after a week or close to said to one of my friends parents "she doesn't belong here. She is a smart and good child" and said that they were afraid i was going to take freedom when i got it too much to my head because i am basically locked up in my room because im a "bad child" there are more mentally related questions i would like to ask but i have so much in my life right now i dont have time. this is taking enough time as it is. Please let me know if this is physical abuse or if i was in the wrong. Believe me i have heard that i was in the wrong for biting y mother and thereforeeee i should have been locked up for assult of my parents. i can take ur reply whether u say its child abuse or i was assultive. thanks

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