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Posts posted by hairybda

  1. i need more than sitting accross the table from you and chatting. i am craving

    being touched and touching a woman. i've touched you many times you never touch back.

    we have been hanging around 4 months now - you recoiled when i just wanted to hug you -

    my needs are not being met ok - you either are screwed up, or your just not into me. lets

    just quit now ok i am looking for another woman who i am more compatible with.

  2. so funny.


    last night, i was so upset about you and i breaking up.


    today, when i chuk wow... i didn't think about you at all. whenever i think about you, i think about you and the 3 other guys you had affairs with. your really lost out on me.. i am starting to see.. i am an awesome guy allot of women are interested in me.




    i was out with another lady tonight. we are only just friends... now.... but i can see some magic coming later.

  3. why do i miss you. why can't i fall asleep because i am thinking about you.. imaging having sex with you


    how about when i left the island you had sex with another guy in santa fe in like what 1 week after

    how about how you had sex with jonathan

    how about how you had sex with ryan

    and then your current boyfriend


    your really not a nice lady


    i wish you would leave my mind. you have done enough to me

  4. i am missing you so much today. i dunno why... i have not felt really anything about you all day.


    when i walked by that sushi place we went to before.. i started thinking about you sleeping with another guy from telus, while we we married. i think i must have known then. no wonder i stopped buying you anything. you were so distant.


    i am at my new job, missing you.. and all i can think about is how you cheated with 3 guys on me. while we were in thailand you getting that message from your teacher. talk about * * * * ed up.


    i don't know why i care. you treated me like total garbage

  5. this week has been so up and down.


    at times, i am laughing happy.. almost totally over you.. not thinking about you.


    other times, i wish you were here right now so i could talk with you.


    i have come to the reailization, i'll probably never see you again in my life.


    i don't know why i even want to see you. i was just looking at pictures of you, it makes me so sad to see them. what we had.. in the garbage now because of what.


    i was just reading over old email. the your bad emails. i don't know what happened, between your birthday in 2008, and 2009. in 2009, you ignored me... i found out later it was because you were with ryan.


    it makes me really upset to think, while i was trying so hard... not liking my job.. being in a place i didn't like.. you were out having sex with how many different guys, while i was supporting you.


    i don't know what i ever did, to you.. to deserve this.

  6. Why am I thinking about you so much.


    I was just sitting around missing you. Then I recalled how that instructor of yours wife called me saying you and him were having an affair. How she sent me receipts from the hotel... How his cell phone was on your bill....how the guy txt msg you on our vacation saying he could not wait to see you... Then how Pokky told me you were having sex with Ryan and she showed me the picture ...


    I dunno why I miss you. You say I broke your heart what about that crap about you cheating - you tell everyone I never bought you anything what bull..

  7. i never replied to your comment on fb.


    you blocked me after you commented on my picture of sunflowers.


    the weird thing is, i saw it..drove by it.. then backtracked to take a picture of it.. it was a an amazing scene.


    i wish you were there. you would have loved it.


    i don't know what else to say. its been 7 months now. i still think about you every day. i hope your doing ok.


    i look at our old photos. i don't know why you through everything away...

  8. this has been a sucky week


    first of all, i've been missing you all week for some reason - the last couple of weeks have been great i havn't missed you much at all.


    i see on facebook tonight photos of you and your new guy. lovely. i really liked to see them.


    i see we are so over. i wish we wern't. part of me wishes, i would come home, and see you at my door.


    i am nowhere near as upset as i would be before.


    i dunno everything feels numb.


    it feels so weird, that we were together 6 years, and you can just move in 6 months in with another guy, and act like nothing ever happened between us. so strange.

  9. i noticed today, i didn't think about you much all day. I am getting over you.


    my cousins bf comitted suicide the other day. my grandmother, is getting ready to die, and there is stuff on her wall, with your name on it.


    i don't know what todo. i miss you so much.


    i wish you could see me running. I don't think you'd change your feelings about me but it would be nice to see that i can do something....

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