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Posts posted by mistojen

  1. And also, I got a freestanding invite to hang out with people that were mutual friends that I was sure had taken sides (your side specifically) so, uh, sorry about you but I'm gonna be hanging out on Friday nights at the same bar and if you don't like it, find a new bar. God knows there's plenty and you're friends with all the bartenders in town, so it shouldn't be difficult.

  2. Dude. I have to have a walk-through of this apartment on Thursday. You still have a bedroom and a half full of s--- here. I refuse to lose more out of my security deposit because you're too cool and too busy with your awesome (loser) drinking buddies EVERY night of the week to come over here and get your crap. GET OFF YOUR REAR AND HELP ME MOVE OUT - YOU'RE THE REASON I HAVE TO LEAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

  3. Wishing that you weren't out having a great time with all the people that used to be OUR friends, while I'm sitting at home resenting you for it. Pretty glad I texted to tell you I have plans tomorrow and you can't use my car like you were planning, but pretty pissed that your response was that you planned on moving your sh-t out a different weekend anyway. Just so you know, I'm the one who has to clean up after you if the landlord wants to show this apartment before your stupid ass gets here to clean it up yourself...and I'm sure you'll find a reason to complain about me touching your stuff, like you always do when I have to clean up your messes.

  4. If I have to hear you complain about how sad and lonely and poor you are ONE MORE TIME, I will effin scream. YOU are the one that broke it off. YOU are the one that chooses not to spend $4 a weekend to take a bus to go see your son who misses us both and really needs you right now. YOU are the one who moved out and into a cheaper place. You left me with bills I can't pay because you asked me to stay home with your kid while you worked to support us; I have almost NO income. I wish I knew how you were p-$$ing away the $1800 a month you make when you pay $260 for rent and utilities combined, and $300 for child support. Please, let me learn your secret, because I'm struggling to pay your half of everything on top of only making $900 a month on unemployment while I'm waiting to start this new job. I'm glad you're gone and the sooner you move your s--t out of my apartment, the better. I'm ready to move on. ...are YOU? Big baby. Grow up, get your crap together, and go be a parent. SOMEONE has to be, since I'm not in the picture anymore.

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