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Posts posted by manicmurray

  1. There's a girl that I really like and we have gone out a couple of times together. We see each other almost every day, and we talk everyday. We are very good friends and I have gone to a dance with her, and it seems she had a lot of fun. I think she likes me, though I haven't been told so, and we are not yet a couple.

    I've never been the kind of person to just call someone up and talk to them when I'm bored. I've never accually done it before, and I'm afraid that this would affect us getting together . Im worried she feels I don't like her or something. I'm sure that I could start doing it, but is it to late to do so? It's been about a month since I've first asked her out, and I just want to know if this does affect anything, and how I can make it up.

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