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Posts posted by jhschick

  1. Okay here it goes,

    I'm with this guy right now and just everything about him is perfect. He's sweet and understanding and he's the only guy I've every felt this strongly about. We talk on the phone everynight for like hours and hours well we used to. Here latley I've just felt really weird like I'll be sad (which is unusal because Im a very happy person) and so we have'nt have talked as much. He always tells me how pretty I am and for some reason it scares me because I don't want to loose him and I think he thinks way to highly of me and I don't know what to do. He thinks Im ignoring him but that's not it. I have to be alone to think about things and I have to have time to figure things out on my own without other people helping or telling me things, Im just like that and I always have been. I really love him and I want to be with him so much. I want to marry him and be with him for the rest of my life, so what am I so scared of?

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