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Posts posted by brokenheart101

  1. I'm confused and really need some help. My thoughts are not clear right now.


    About two months ago, I started going out with this girl, I guess it was more on the friendship level only, as I have never made a move on her and she acts as if she didn't want me to. Anyway, we have been going out for four times since September (as our schedule wouldn't allow us to go out more often, but we see each other at around 40hrs/week.) During the course of us going out, I was having this feeling towards her and I basically ignored it as I thought she wanted to be just friends. But, everytime I try to meet other girls(she knows that I trying to be more than friends with them), she gets jealous and she even went to the point that she refused to talk to me for three days. So I had stopped seeing and trying to meet other women and just focused my attention to her. This past week, we had gone out (again) twice, the first time I we had gone out (this week), I thought that there was something more had happened during that evening and sparks were flying. Again, I tried making moves on her, she wasn't responding but she didn't show any signs of being offended. Although I never made any actual moves, realizing and thinking that we're just friends hanging out together, I didn't want her to be offended at me. The last time we went out, I tried making moves on her, realizing about the possible mistakes that I had made, and making it happen for real. I tried my first move (getting close by her side as we were walking and try to put my arms around her shoulder), she litterally walked away from me and said "Are you trying to run me over?" A few minutes later, I tried doing the same thing, she again moved away, but had never said anything. The day ended with me being frustrated and just looked that I never enjoyed the whole evening. Do you think that I should take the chance and ask her if she thinks our friendship has a possibility of evolving into something more? What do you think should I do? Does she likes me or not?

  2. Girls/ladies:


    I have a little survey.


    Would you prefer someone to ask you out in person or through the phone (text messaging, etc.)?


    If the guy, who likes you, wants to call you, would you answer it (I know this sounds rediculous, but I was asking someone, if i could call her, she didn't say anything back to me or reply to my messages)?




    What do you think are the prosand cons of asking someone through the phone (text messaging), Being intimate with someone through the phone (Personally, I don't see any difference, it's still you talking but your face is just hidden from the person you're talking to) ?

  3. My friend has been asking asking me for advice. He and this co-worker of his had been going out, and he told me that the closest thing that he said, to "I love you" is take care and I miss you, to her. Anyways, he also told me that whenever the two of them are alone at work, he can't seem to find any interesting thing to say, so he ends up not talking at all.


    I told him that I also have the same problem as him, The only difference is that I am not going out with someone yet, but I'm also having a hard time finding things to say to my (women)co-workers so I end up and come accross as shy and quiet. I am not really shy and quiet, I just don't have the confidence to talk and I'm afraid to come accross as uninteresting.

  4. This girl that I am dating now (andI really like) has got the looks, but is a little thick on the body (she isn't really someone you'll see on the next issue of Vanity Fair or Cosmopolitan). My friends have asked me why am I dating someone like her or they tell me that I should go date someone else (I'm not that good-looking, but I am not ugly either). The fact is with her, I feel being a better person. She also has the brains; I could have intellligent conversations with her, she makes me laugh, and more. I really didn't care what other people told me, to me she's just perfect!

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